Supplies for soldering copper pipe:
Copper pipe (tubing) and fittings.
Copper pipe in the vice.
Emery cloth the part of the pipe that will be fluxed and soldered.
Apply flux to the part of the pipe that will receive solder.
Place the fitting on the pipe.
If striker does not spark go HERE to see how to change the flint.
Turn on the gas and strike a spark. Do not let the gas run with out starting a flame.
The flame.
Heat the joint until you see:
Remove the flame and immediately move the point of the solder along the outside seam.
The solder should melt instantly and get pulled in between the fitting and the pipe.
Move the tip along the seam and let the solder melt from contact with the hot pipe.
The finished joint.
While wearing gloves or by using a rag place the pipe in water to cool it.
At this module each student will cut off their fitting with the pipe cutter and take their piece home if they wish.
Place the cutter wheel and the two rollers on the pipe.
Tighten it and turn it 360 degrees around. Then slightly tighten it again until the scribe mark breaks through the pipe.
The final cut piece.